
Investment Strategies

Objective Value Investors

We are an institutional investment manager based in London, experts in international and emerging markets equities, and part of the Mondrian Investment Partners family. As a group we manage assets for sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, foundations, endowments, based in the US and Internationally.

Our Systematic Approach

Identify undervalued equities with income growth potential: bottom-up; driven by expansive data resources and artificial intelligence

Our Investment Philosophy

Objective, Income-oriented, Value investing leads to superior portfolio and return characteristics


Decades of Value investment experience; decades of driving it with high-technology


With a Value pedigree dating back to 1990, Rothko founded a decade ago

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Our Origins

Rothko is an expert income-oriented Value investor, focused on international and emerging equities. We are specialists in artificial intelligence, which drives our investment process.

Rothko’s Parent Mondrian Investment Partners Limited is founded.
Thought-leading research into the systematic methodology underlying Rothko begins. Rothko will be the first significant investment manager to eschew factor investing in favor of more AI-driven stock selection.
Rothko is launched with a highly experienced portfolio management team. Emerging Markets All Cap Equity Strategy funded.
Emerging Markets Small Cap Equity and All Countries World ex-US Equity strategies funded.
Rothko’s parent, Mondrian signs up to UN Principles of Responsible Investing. Rothko is committed to the objective of investing in stocks with good governance and shareholder value.
Broad International Small Cap Equity Strategy funded. Rothko becomes the first investment manager to be published at the elite artificial intelligence venue, NeurIPS.
Rothko initiates, develops and launches artificial intelligence and big data driven governance and ESG risk engine.
Rothko becomes the first investment manager to detail the practical use of symbolic artificial intelligence (SAI) as a live and highly successful equities selection tool.
Rothko's approach to model/data governance and machine learning ('ML') featured in the CFA Institute's Professional Certificate in Data Science.
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Our People

We are an industry leading portfolio management team, thought-leading research group with a dedicated trading and implementation desk, a team with decades of experience in applying technology to drive investment strategies.
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Our Investment Philosophy

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Value Attributes + Sustainable, Future Income Potential

Superior Portfolio
and Return Characteristics


Income-Oriented Value

Stocks with value characteristics and future income potential can materially exploit the inefficiencies of Non-US equity markets.

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Defensive - Defending Capital on the Downside

Strong downside protection and upside capture can lead to superior portfolio and return characteristics over time.

Rothko’s investment philosophy encapsulates over 30 years of successful income-oriented, value investment stock selection experience and research.

We believe:

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A company’s business performance, financial management, competitive positioning, and behavior towards shareholders can all be ascertained from systematic and forensic examination of  track records and current performance.

Rather than use teams of equities analysts, Rothko has learned to do this systematically and consistently over the breadth of the market, using fundamental-rules to identify undervalued companies with evidential fundamental strengths that can support the growth of future dividend payments in US$ terms.

Rothko’s Fundamental Rules originate from our experience as Value investors and Rothko’s artificial intelligence approach.

Our Systematic Approach

Rothko’s systematic approach aims to learn and apply deep fundamental stock investment rationales that:

We believe that fundamentally sound yet undervalued companies can be consistently identified from the vast trove of data available to investors today using carefully applied technology.